Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Microsoft publisher is something like microsoft word except it is more for pictures.It is easy and fun to use.If you are interested,try it now!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


During the school holidays(right now)I am having a great time!Playing Nintendo Wii(cooking mama.ect.),sleeping all day and having the good old fashion fun in the sun.And my parents decided to go to Vietnam for a week,and I just came back!OK,if you think I got the H1N1 virus(the virus in my last post) you are wrong,I am perfectly fine.Now as I was saying,me and my family went to Vietnam for a week.At Vietnam,I saw billions of new things.New food,new fun,new toys....the list never ends!The only bad thing about Vietnam is the traffic!Tons of ''tiger crossings.''(zebra crossings-I renamed it as tigers are stripy and are far more dangerous than zebras)Get it?And that is the end of my post,bye!

Friday, May 22, 2009



Tuesday, May 19, 2009

H1N1 Virus

H1N1 virus(or influenza A)is a disease that spread around the world in may 11 2009.Influenza A was a animal disease that mainly infected pigs so,this is how the virus got its name.When the virus cell infected a human,it gets worst.The virus then turns into a unknown virus.It is a airborne virus and spreads through the air.The virus is in japan,Malaysia and Mexico.People prevent it by covering their mouths,noses when they cough or sneeze.Taking your temperature helps because fever is a h1n1 virus symptom.In Singapore,tourist have their temperature taken before they can lave the airport.To prevent spreading of the virus,I take my temperature often.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Improving the school

The most favourite place in the school is the library.I like there because it is filled with my favourite things....BOOKS!But the only place in my school that I don't like is the toilet. That is because I think it is really stinky and dirty there once I saw a cockroach there(I hate to admit it but I am scared of cockroaches,especially live ones some people might think I am a sissy but everyone has their weakness right).And some times,the toilets are not flushed!I think the school should make a Sign that says"flush the toilet".And they should spray insecticide there once in a while.I think the school should have prefects on duty near the computers scattered around the school,so that the users will not go to any "bad' website.I think that students should stop playing violent computer games.(That's is the end of my post)!

Friday, April 3, 2009


To be healthy,we need to eat healthy foods which are rich in fibre,minerals and vitamins.And we should not eat so much unhealthy foods like potato chips,sweets,fried foods and salty things.It is important to eat healthy because if we continue eating "rubbish"(unhealthy foods)all the time,we may suffer from cancer,heart attack and stroke in the future!And you might want to know why?Well this is because they contain cholesterol which can block your blood veins and stop your heart!But if we eat fruits and vegetables,it can protect us from these diseases.I like fruits and vegetables because they are healthy foods.I like to support the school to sell more fruits and vegetables.And I would like more people to eat more fruits and vegetables!


Isn't it cute! from www.hickerphoto.com